How to choose the right food

You probably know what food you need to eat and what food you need to avoid. But despite this, there’s one problem that most people face: You can’t get yourself to eat right. Some people say, it’s harder to change someone’s diet than it is to change their religion. That’s because we don’t just eat […]


If you are doing outdoor activities or need to be out in the sunshine for a prolonged period of time, longer than 20–30 minutes, it’s essential to cover up or find shade as much as practically possible or use a safe and natural sunscreen. Unfortunately, selecting a safe sunscreen is not easy. Sadly, there is […]

Vitamin D

health coach

The sun is scary… Some people seem to believe.Nowadays, we’re constantly hearing warnings about the sun, and that it causes skin cancer.Vitamin D (which we get from the sun) is crucial for good health, and vitamin D deficiency is a worldwide problem. How can we make sense of these conflicting messages? The key lies in […]